Did anyone see the season premiere of "Kell of Earth" last night? Is anyone besides my mom reading my blog? Love you Mommy ;) Anyways I was so excited to see that Kelly Cutrone has her own show now. I really admired her for being on The Hills and The City. When I watch her and listen to what she has to say, I see a woman who has certainly lived a life doing what she wanted to do. Mistakes and errors along the way of course, she managed to start up and sustain her very own Production/Marketing/Branding Company to help promote up and coming designers in the fashion world.
She is NOT a feminist. As a woman, she doesn't believe in being treated any different than a man. She believes that her goals and ambitions are as good as the guy next to her. She mocks the world that we girls grow up in. A world we as women are taught to believe in. A world full of fairytales, size zero barbie dolls, and prince charmings. She suggests to "Fuck all that!" We as women have the power, more than ever, to be WHO we WANT to be. Who we are MEANT to be. Men and women are equals. We all have different dreams and ambitions. We as women should have a DREAM. CHASE that dream. WORK HARDER than you ever thought you could. Make MISTAKES. Take RISKS. Be willing to make sacrifices. Do WHATEVER it takes. And ALWAYS believe I YOURSELF.
She is definitely an intimidating person. Or at least she is portrayed as one on television. Watching her either: makes me want to replicate her determination to be successful in the fashion world or second guess whether I am kidding myself thinking I can make it in this cut-throat industry. She throws away any cover letter from an applicant who claims they have a "passion for fashion." She tends to get tired of the perky blonde chick with the bubbly attitude who is DYING to break into the fashion world. She says 98% of people who walk into her office, think they want to work in fashion...but are sorely mistaken.
But while she did say many of these things to make me question myself and my ambitions to some day be in the fashion world, she did say that "this life is for people who can't help it, its in their blood." So while my blog implies that I have a "FASHionPASSION," I might have dirty blonde hair, a weird obsession with fashion, and a belief that I just might want to work in this industry...I do believe that this stuff runs in my blood. I hope that I will work hard enough to make my beliefs a reality and a success.
As an end note, I am going to go out and buy her book tomorrow so I can continue to read her words of wisdom. So hopefully I will be able to share more of her insights with my readers (or at least my Mom for now).
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