Monday, February 8, 2010

Fashion will always be in style.

As Fashion Week for Fall 2010 is fast approaching, I actually came to thinking the other day about how trends come and go. To my surprise, my mother and a recent Wall Street Journal article really put this thought into perspective. Right now, I think that everything is "IN." It seems that in this economy and point in time, people are looking to save money but are also looking to express and showcase themselves in their own ways. This is something very powerful for any fashion company to realize. Just think about it, everyone wakes up each day and not only has her own wardrobe to choose from, but has the power to pick and choose how she wants to look that day, and thus reflecting how she is feeling and what kind of person she may want to portray. As we have heard, "The clothes don't make the woman, the woman makes the clothes."

Historically, it has been a major marketing tactic to introduce one or a few key products to the consumer and get us to buy them. I remember the LOGO bag was something sought after for almost any girl in their teens up to their seventies. It was the symbol and representation of status that allured people into buying a bag with a bunch of logos on it. It STILL to this day, seems to continue to be selling! Or how about when the skinny jean came back not too long ago. I remember thinking that I could never part from my bell-bottom jeans...BUT low and behold, all I wear now is skinny jeans. It is interesting the way the world of fashion goes and cycles around with its trends.

However like I previously stated the fact that "everything is in fashion," is something that each fashion company holds to be true. There is a certain pressure not only among the consumer, but also among the corporate fashion companies, to more or less conform to a certain style. This may or may not be a true representation of who we are or who a company is. Remembering the power of your "brand" and staying true to it is very important in the world of fashion. The JCrew brand is different than the Banana Republic brand, even though they may target the same consumer.

People frequently comment on my clothes, saying they love what I am wearing. Or they will see as what I am wearing as "so me" and "only I pull that off." Which again makes me think that what I see in a store as fabulous, would not appeal to the next girl who walks into the store. I just think that all of my friends each have different wardrobes. We probably have a few pieces that are identical or have pieces that are more or less the same trend...But the amazing thing is how each one of us has our own "style." Plus the beauty of it all, is that no matter how many clothes we have, we are always going to have that urge to shop and buy more more more! As long as the fashion companies are brainwashing us to do so! Plus shopping is fun. I sometimes just go to the mall to look at what the stores are selling and how they are displaying there clothes. I simply do this out of hobby even though I wish my college budget would allow me to buy whatever I want!

There will always be girls looking to buy plain and conservative clothes, girls who want to by hip and urban clothes, girls who will want to wear all black, girls who can pull off wearing bright prints and graphics, girls who will wear clothes to reflect their free and bohemian spirit, girls who don't care about the clothes they where, the list truly goes on. So I guess the moral of the story is to remember who you are as a person and whether or not you want your clothes to be a representation of that, make sure the unique YOU is the one making the clothes. I truly believe that the WOMAN makes the clothes BEAUTIFUL.

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